Thursday 4 November 2010

Youth in Librazhd

When Ilir and Donika were with us for the Willow Creek DVD Conference they said they wanted Lee to come to Librazhd and encourage them in their Youth work. So after lunch yesterday we went to Librazhd where many of their young people were gathered in a cafe, including several teenagers we had not met before. Here are Armo, Irina and Yetmiri above and Arselda and Denisa below.

After the inevitable coffee or drinks, Tom introduced them to some icebreaker games! They definitely broke any ice there was. It was a good cultural experience for Tom, who thought they would know the games he knows! They now know about Zip, Zap, Bong in Librazhd!

You may know that we took out some guitars to Librazhd when we came to the Youth Camp in July. Well they have made a start and so we were treated to a playing from from Paola. We are back in Librazhd this afternoon, Thursday, when Lee will speak about Youth work and I am sure we will have some more icebreakers.

The young people here have just started (two weeks ago) a childrens work after the Sunday meeting mainly for children who do not come to their church. Last week they had 17 children. Wow!

And finally, this is what we had for breakfast this morning, an Elbasan speciality that is only made here in Elbasan. Simite me bugace! A round bread bun, filled with thin pancakes with melted butter poured over it and then sprinkled with salt. Healthy eh! But I didn't feel hungry after it.

Please keep us in mind and pray as we are with the youngsters in Librazhd this afternoon and then travel on to Korca tomorrow and over the weekend when Lee and Tom will again speak to the young people Edi and Artina have gathered in Korca.

All our love, Ken and Lee and Tom

1 comment:

  1. Its so amazing to hear what you guys are up to...and fab to hear about young Tom being so involved...the usual description of the food and pics too are so typical of you Ken..!!!! Will be praying for you all....
