Tuesday 5 May 2009

Onto Librazhd

After work yesterday we had drinks out with Ilir and Rudina, pictured here, with their 3 daughters Sara, Eliada and Abigail. I had salep, a Turkish drink of a bulb of some sort that is crushed and mixed with hot milk. Nowadays people buy it in powder form just as we would make Horlicks. The cafe has a revolving coffee bar 13 storeys up so one has a wonderful view of the mountains that surround Elbasan. Whilst the girls were playing and dancing, we talked business. We spoke about their new church building and praying for money to come, building vision for it and many practical issues surrounding this. The we went for a giro, a walk round the town, along with half the population of Elbasan. This is an important part of the day and very sociable. People meet friends and talk, catch up on news, meet business acquaintances and arrange meetings, all done with much handshaking, kissing, and something new to me, a gentle pinching of children's cheeks, which conveys I love you!
This afternoon, we will travel half an hour to the neighbouring town of Librazhd where the leaders have said they would like to meet up with us. I guess it will be a getting to know you session with lots of questions and answers. We will stay in someones home overnight and then return by furgon, minibus tomorrow.
We will be in touch
Ken and Ann

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